Rules of the School.
Bedworth Dog Training School B.D.T.S. General Rules Of The School. 2023.
1, Could you please ensure that you arrive on time for classes?
2. It is difficult for some owners and dogs to concentrate when some one arrives late. Especially the less experienced owners and dogs.
3. If you have any problems please let us know.
4. Please make sure that you always clean up after your dog. either by taking it home or by putting it in the bins that are provided at each venue. If the area needs more cleaning please notify an Instructor.
This can then be properly cleaned and if outside swilled down at any of the training venues.
Can you please make sure that puppies and dogs are exercised or walked before training to help them empty bowels and bladder.
5. Puppies must have of had all there vaccines before attending a class.
6.Can you make sure that you wear suitable clothing especially footwear in all weathers
7. If your dog is feeling unwell then please do not bring him to class, or if the dog is in season.
8. Please ensure that on arrival your name has been added to the attendance sheet before training and payment.
Owners are responsible for their own dog/s outside of training class and before entering the class /
venue and signing in and paying.
9. If you arrive late please notify an Instructor before entering a class.
10. Dogs to be kept in vehicles until there class starts.
Especially dogs that need to be muzzled and they must have there muzzle put on in the vehicle.
People that walk to there venue to keep clear of the entrance to the venue until asked to enter the class.
11. Please notify the School if you have any disabilities or the dog.
This will enable us to give you the best training possible.
And vehicles to be parked in designated bays.
12. Some dogs will be assessed prior to training to see if they are suitable for classes, or need more specialised training .
13 Children must be supervised and kept under control at all times.
14. Wheel chair access.
15.Please leave quietly.
1. On attending the class with your dog can you please make sure that the dog is wearing an identification tag.
2. A collar that he cannot get out of .
3. A Halti, Gentle Leader, Harness etc. can be used.
4. Clickers if you use them.
5. If a puppy bring a vaccination certificate.
6. Plenty of treats and a favourite toy.
7.Poo bags and a small mat.
8.You will need a standard training lead during the classes.